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8, 247 Pupils in Georgia Left School Without Completing

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15.12.20 23:00
During the 2019-2020 academic session, 1.4% or 8, 247 pupils in Georgia abandoned studying, which is 31.6 percent lower compared to the same indicator of the previous year. Among those pupils, girls are 41.0 percent and boys are 59.0 percent.
Ad initium of the 2020/2021 academic session, there were 2 309 general education institutions in Georgia, including 2 086 public and 223 private schools. The number of schools decreased by 4 units compared to the previous school year, the recent annual publication of the Georgian National Statistics Office (GeoStat) says. 

During the reporting period, 609.1 thousand pupils were studying in general education institutions, that is 2.7 percent higher compared to the same indicator of the prior school year. 90.1 percent of pupils attend public schools and 9.9 percent – private schools. From the total number of pupils, 47.9 percent are girls, while 52.1 percent are boys.

In 2020, 88 554 pupils graduated from schools, which is 2.4 percent higher compared to the same indicator of the previous year. Among both basic and secondary education graduates, a number of boys are more than a number of girls, with a share of 52.5 percent and 51.2 percent, respectively.

At the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year, 62 699 teachers were employed in general education institutions, which is 1.7 percent less compared to the same indicator of the previous year. The majority of teachers are women, in particular, the share of women is 87.2 percent while the share of men - 12.8 percent.

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