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Amount of precipitation within 3 hours last night was two times more compared to 2015 - Tbilisi Mayor

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According to the preliminary data of the National Environment Agency, the amount of precipitation within three hours last night was two times more compared to the precipitation during six hours on June 13, 2015, the Mayor of the capital, Kakha Kaladze, stated at the capital government meeting.

According to him, the precipitation covered the entire territory of Tbilisi.

"According to the preliminary data of the National Environment Agency, the amount of precipitation within three hours last night was two times more compared to the precipitation during six hours on June 13, 2015. As you know, last night's rainfall covered the entire territory of Tbilisi," Kaladze said.

For information, yesterday, heavy rain created problems in several areas of the capital. Streets and underpasses were flooded, and power lines were damaged. According to the Deputy Mayor of the capital, Irakli Bendeliani, a stone fall was observed on Tamarashvili Street, and due to safety reasons, the traffic on the road connecting Tskneti-Betania was temporarily restricted.

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