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Around 10, 400 Driving Licenses Issued in Georgia during Jan-April

10.06.21 22:30
Driving licenses issued in Georgia during April 2021 were 28% up from March 2021. The total number for the first four months of the current year stood at 10, 397. 
According to the preliminary data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Georgia, out of a total of 10,397 license holders during Jan-April, 6,489 were males and 3,809 were females. Gender is not identified for the remaining number. 129 license holders during the reporting period were residents of foreign countries. 
The largest number of licenses during the current year was issued in April and the lowest in January. 
The number for January-April was as follows: 218 in January, 89 – males, 124 females, 5 - N/D; 846 – in February, 531 – males, 302 – females, 12 - N/D; 4, 112 on March, 2, 742 were males and 1, 336 were females. Gender has not been identified for 34 holders. As of April, 5, 221 driving licenses were issued in April 2021. 3, 127 were males, 2, 047 – females. Gender has not been identified for 47 holders.
The average age for males was 34.2 and 34.8 for females, during April. The oldest among males was 69 years old, and among females – 65 years old.
56 residents of foreign countries successfully passed driving license tests in Georgia in April 2021. Out of them, 15 were residents of India, 12 – Russia, 6 – Azerbaijan, and 5 – Egypt. 
The number of driving licenses issued in the country during 2020 totaled 42, 229. 

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