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EU commends Georgia for adopting long-term low-emission development plan

18.07.23 19:16
Last week, Georgia presented its first-ever Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (Lt-LEDS) 2050, prepared with the support of the European Union and the United Nation Development Programme.

The Lt-LEDS sets the stage for Georgia’s carbon-neutral future and will be instrumental in updating the national Climate Action Plan 2023-2025, outlining a roadmap towards sustainable, low-emission growth in specific sectors, including energy, building, transport, industry, agriculture, waste, land use, and forestry.

The Lt-LEDS adheres to the main principles of the Paris Agreement and aligns with Georgia’s needs.

Working closely with the government, civil society, and international partners, the EU and UNDP, through their regional EU4Climate programme, provided technical assistance, consultancy, and expert support in developing Georgia’s first-ever Lt-LEDS in line with the best practices of EU Member States.

“The European Union commends Georgia on the adoption of its Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy. We are proud to have supported Georgia in shaping its vision for carbon neutrality and smart technology development and look forward to continued collaboration in its implementation,” said Pawel Herczynski, Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia.

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