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EU Commissioner Deems Withdrawal Of Foreign Agents Bill As Encouraging And Positive

15.03.23 11:00
The withdrawal of draft bills on the Transparency of Foreign Influence and Foreign Agents Registration Act by the Georgian parliament is “encouraging and positive” said Olivér Várhelyi, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement at the plenary session of the European Parliament on March 14.

“Over the past week, dozens of Georgians exercised their right to a peaceful demonstration against the adoption of the law on Transparency of Foreign Influence in the first reading by the Georgian parliament.

Across the country, women and men took to the streets holding European flags to recall their attachment to democracy, our shared European values, and Georgia’s path toward the European Union. After these demonstrations, the ruling party announced last Thursday their decision to withdraw the law which was voted down by the parliament the following day. The withdrawal of both drafts is encouraging and positive.

Georgians have a future in the EU. The European Perspective granted last June set out relations on even a closer course under the EU enlargement framework building upon long-standing cooperation anchored in the Association Agreement.

The European path sets the bar high as regards standards in Georgia, and Georgia needs to meet up to values to keep, it brings increased scrutiny on monitoring and the need to implement reforms. It also provides a wides et of EU tools to accompany Georgia in this process.

Georgian people, the vast majority have expressed their desire to join the EU. The government has similar messages. Now it is time for action on the ground,” he said.

With the vote held on March 10, the Georgian parliament officially withdrew the People’s Power-tabled Transparency of Foreign Influence bill.

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