The client portal is the first online investment space in Georgia that offers a customer full and detailed information on how profitable his/her investment portfolio is. G&T's David Nishnianidze set down with The CheckPoints to discuss the specific services and who and how can be involved with this?
According to him, this is indeed a unique platform in Georgia. This is the first time when an investment bank has developed such a product for its clients. "What it offers is a product directed to the residents as well as non-resident investors and who's holding their investments at the investment bank. This offers a possibility to view their holdings in one place," - he said.
Clients, in this regard, can be anyone interested in investing through Georgia. G&T Offers non-resident investors the possibility to invest in local and regional, corporate, and treasuries that are tough markets for them to reach. From a non-resident investor perspective, if they invest through G&T into the local, corporate, or treasuries, they will also see that in the client portal. "They also can see the trader application and trader information because we also offer the trader platform where clients go and trade themselves," - Nishnianidze said.
According to him, in order to use the Client Portal, one has to have an account with G&T investments already made. "Once you've done this part, then we can give you access to the dashboard. You can log in and view everything in one place. If we make a certain analogy - we'd say that the aforementioned platform is an Internet bank for an investment bank," - Nishnianidze said.
As for the time horizon of the investment - according to Nishninanidze, it depends on the risks and depends on the appetite of the risk that the investor has. "It can accommodate every investor's risk appetite and the time horizon that they're looking for. If they're looking for long term investments, they can do so. And for the short-term investments, they can also utilize their trader platform," - he said.
As Nishnianidze states, the uncertainty caused by the pandemic is a good place to start with new initiatives. "Recessions do happen once in a while, and throughout history, recessions were proven to be a good time to invest because after the recession and the economy starts to recover, then your investments can potentially grow with the economy," - he said.