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Georgia To Receive Financial Aid of 47 MLN EUR From The International Climate Fund

Natia Taktakishvili
13.07.21 14:30
The Sector Economy and Economic Policy Committee discussed the document for ratification submitted by the Government – Agreement between Georgia and Germany on Technical Cooperation.

The Agreement envisages the facilitation of implementation of the forest reform.

According to the Deputy Environmental Minister, Nino Tandilashvili, Georgia adopted the new Forest Code in 2020 envisaging the establishment of sustainable forest management principles. Besides, Georgia submitted the application to the ICF on financial aid for the implementation of the Forest Code activities, according to which the ICF has allocated 33 ml EURO to Georgia.

Besides, Germany intends to allocate extra 10 ml. EURO as a grant and the Swiss Government – 4 ml. EURO as a grant – totally constituting 47 ml. EURO to be consumed on the implementation of the forest stock-taking works, arrangement of the business yards and development of alternative fuel means in three regions – Guria, Mtskheta-Mtianeti and Kakheti.

The project is designed for 2021-2027. The Committee approved the document.

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