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Healthcare And Social Issues Committee Eleborating On Draft Law

31.03.23 14:00
During the first reading of the legislative package at the Healthcare and Social Issues Committee, a new category of persons was added to those exempted from military service. Under the new changes, a conscript/mobilization reservist whose status of limitation of opportunity has expired will be exempted from military service for a period of up to three months, pending verification of their status. The legislative package includes draft laws on Personal Data Protection, Military Duty and Military Service, and Medical and Social Expertise. The changes also aim to improve the mechanism for exchanging data on the status of a person's limitation of ability for military registration between relevant institutions.

During the session, the Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Mikheil Sarjveladze introduced a legislative change aimed at addressing bureaucratic issues faced by adults with disabilities. Currently, after reaching the age of majority, individuals with disabilities are required to undergo a re-examination to maintain their disability status. However, during this period, they may be drafted into military service. The proposed change would exempt individuals whose status of limitation of ability has expired from military service during the period between expiration and verification, for up to three months. Sarjveladze emphasized that three months is sufficient time to conduct a new examination and obtain the necessary status.

Additionally, the Committee discussed two other legislative initiatives, the Code of Children's Rights and the Personal Data Protection bill, at the first reading level of principles. Mr. Sarjveladze explained that these changes aim to improve the standard of children's rights and protect personal data.

During the third reading, the Committee discussed draft laws submitted by the Committee in accordance with the government's legislative initiative to amend the Law on Narcotic Means, Psychotropic Agents, Precursors and Narcological Aid, the Law on Health Protection, and the Law on Medical Activities. First Deputy Minister of Health, Tamar Gabunia, presented the amendments.

Following the discussions, the Committee approved the proposed amendments.

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