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Hotels and hotel-type enterprises increased by 24.6% in Georgia

სასტუმრო ნომერი
25.08.23 17:38

There were 2 162 economic entities working in hotel services in Georgia in 2022, which owned 2 213 hotels and hotel-type enterprises (including local units and branches). This figure is 24.6 percent higher than the same indicator in 2021, the National Statistics Office of Georgia said Friday.

In 2022 the total area of the hotels and hotel-type enterprises in Georgia was 3 195.4 thousand square meters, which is 20.9 percent higher than the same indicator in 2021. Out of which the living area of all rooms was 1 489.5 thousand square meters, which is 12.8 percent higher than the same indicator in the previous year, GeoStat says.

In 2022 the total number of places in hotels and hotel-type enterprises was 97.8 thousand, which is 11.4 percent higher than the same indicator of the previous year. The total number of rooms increased by 6.3 percent and equaled to 45.8 thousand.

In 2022 hotels and hotel enterprises served 4.9 million guests, which is 61.9 percent higher than the corresponding figure of the previous year. 60.5 percent of the guests were foreigners. Most of them, 488.9 thousand (16.4 percent), were citizens of Israel, which is 4.3 times higher than the same indicator of 2021 year. 6.2 percent of the foreign guests were citizens of EU countries, of which 29.4 percent was from Germany and 28.0 percent from Poland.

In 2022 hotels and hotel-type enterprises in Georgia mostly had foreign guests for holiday and recreation (72.1 percent).

The majority of foreign guests staying in hotels and hotel-type enterprises with the main purpose of holiday and recreation were citizens of Israel and Russian Federation (18.8 and 14.5 percent accordingly).

In 2022 year 23 259 people were employed in hotels and hotel-type enterprises in Georgia, most of them were women (56.4 percent).

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