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How does the parliament recognize its authority if the opposition announces a boycott?

Natia Taktakishvili
02.11.20 15:30
According to preliminary data from all CEC precincts, nine political unions exceeded the 1% proportional threshold. According to the data published by the CEC, the remaining 116 seats are distributed among the parties as follows: Georgian Dream" - 61 seats; "National Movement - United Opposition" - 35 seats; "European Georgia - 5 seats , "Lelo" - 4 seats, "Patriots Alliance" - 4 seats, "Strategy Builder" - 4 seats, "Girchi" - 3 seats, “Aleko Elisashvili - Citizens" - 2 seats, "Labor Party" (1%) - 1 seat.

Lawyer Giorgi Chitidze told TV-program “Business Morning”, boycott has two dimensions, political and legal.

“If 100 people refuse to enter the parliament, then parliament will not get the authority. According to the Constitution Article 38, 76 deputies are needed to open the sitting and then vote counting commission is created. The committee approves all the mandates presented by the CEC chairperson. In this case 51 votes are enough for approving the mandates. However, if the parliament is filled up 100 members, it is considered that the country has a parliament.

After that, if someone refuses his / her mandate, a replacement will be made, but simply you will not be able to refuse the mandate until you are not obtained with it," said Giorgi Chitidze.

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