Georgia purchased 6,437 tons of roasted or unroasted coffee worth USD 19 million in 2021.
The official statistics show, that the value of imported products increased by 22.4% compared to 2020, while the rate was 19.3% up compared to 2019. The volume of imported products is 1.6% higher comparing to 2020, although the volume of coffee imported in 2019 is 1.3% lower. (2020 - 6 337 tons worth of USD 15.6 million; 2019 - 6 523 tons worth of USD 17.3 million).
Last year, Georgia bought the largest amount of coffee in Indonesia. The list of TOP-5 importing countries is as follows:
1. Indonesia - 3,447 tons; worth of USD 7 million;
2. Russia -, 583 tons; worth of USD 2.3 million;
3. Italy - 214 tons; worth of USD 2.1 million;
4. Germany - 385 tons; worth of USD 2.1 million;
5. Vietnam - 995 tons; worth of USD 2 million.
In addition, the value of coffee imported from Armenia, Turkey, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria and Uganda, ranges from USD 100 thousand to USD 1 million. The country has also purchased small volumes of coffee in Brazil, Spain, Cameroon, Switzerland, Greece, China, India, the United Kingdom, Ukraine and other countries.
Last year, Georgia exported 113 tons of local coffee. The value of the exported coffee amounted to USD 405 thousand. This exceeds the exports of previous years (2020 – USD 172.7 thousand, 48 tons; 2019 – USD 117.7 thousand, 13 tons).