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How Much FDI Was Made In Georgia In 2Q?


The foreign direct investments (FDI) in Georgia amounted to USD 505.7 million in Q2 2023 (preliminary data), up 29.9% from the adjusted data of Q2 2022, - according to the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).

As of the document, equity is down 23.3% from the adjusted data of Q2 2022 and amounted to USD 72.9 million which is 14.4% of the total foreign direct investment and reinvestment amounted to USD 422.5 million. The share of reinvestment is 83.5% of total FDI.

The United Kingdom reaching USD 168.3 million in Q2 2023 (33.3 percent) was the major foreign direct investor country. Türkiye was the second with USD 71.0 million (14.0 percent), followed by Netherlands with USD 62.7 million (12.4 percent). The share of the 5 largest investor
countries is 78% of the total investment.

The largest share of FDI was registered in the financial and insurance activities sector, reaching USD 255.7 million (50.6 percent) in Q2 2023, energy sector was the second with USD 137.2 million (27.1 percent), followed by the manufacturing sector with USD 35.6 million (7.0 percent).

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