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Improving Access To Capital Markets In Georgia

Natia Taktakishvili
28.04.22 12:00
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) are continuing their support to private companies in Georgia by fostering access to capital markets to facilitate capital raising and broaden investment opportunities.

Effective capital market access is a vital source of economic growth underpinning sustainable development and generating employment. With this aim, the EBRD and the EU in partnership with the National Bank of Georgia are advancing the implementation of a Capital Markets Support mechanism facilitating the issuance of securities – both debt and equity –by local corporates, including SMEs, on Georgia’s capital markets.

Interested companies are invited to submit their application to participate in this programme via the dedicated registration portal which will remain open until 17 June.

The selected companies will benefit from targeted training and advisory support to increase their preparedness for capital markets issuance, as well as co-financing incentives to cover expenses incurred while issuing debt securities or equity on local capital markets.

A series of educational events for all interested companies and market participants will also be delivered under the programme aiming to raise awareness about obtaining financing via the capital markets.

Detailed information on the incentive mechanism, including the selection process, deadlines, criteria, and priorities, can be found on the Capital Markets Support website by following this link:https://bit.ly/3vyi897

Funded by the European Union, this programme is implemented together with Galt & Taggart and BDO Georgia and was preceded by a market research studying the potential for and existing barriers to Georgian capital markets, including on the basis of survey evidence obtained from market participants.

The research identified a number of barriers to future market development, among them challenges that this programme is seeking to address directly such as the limited awareness of capital market products and financial literacy and high issuance-related expenses. The research also noted the impressive growth in Georgia’s business sector turnover during the past 10 years, identifying a high number of companies exhibiting the necessary characteristics for potential capital markets issuance.

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