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Initiation of impeachment procedure against President requires the support of 50 MPs

პრლამენტის სხდომა

Initiation of the impeachment procedure against the President of Georgia requires the support of not less than one-third of the full composition of the parliament - 50 deputies, and the removal of the President from office by the impeachment procedure - requires 100 votes.

According to the Constitution, not less than one third of the full membership of the Parliament has the right to raise the issue of impeachment of the President based on the violation of the Constitution or the presence of signs of a crime. The matter shall be referred to the Constitutional Court, which shall consider it and present the conclusion to the Parliament within a month.

If the Constitutional Court confirms the violation of the Constitution by the official or the presence of signs of a crime in his/her action, the Parliament shall consider and vote on the issue of the removal of the official from office by impeachment within 2 weeks.

The President of Georgia shall be considered removed from office by impeachment if the decision is supported by at least two-thirds of the full membership of the Parliament.

In addition, if the Parliament fails to make a decision on the removal of the official from office by impeachment within the specified period, it is not allowed to start the impeachment procedure on the same basis.

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