Investors deeply believe in this country - Galt & Taggart
Natia Taktakishvili
16.04.21 12:30
• 556
Otar Sharikadze, Managing Director of Galt & Taggart declares that investors deeply believe in this country and its institutions, while talking on the Eurobonds worth $500 million issued by the Georgian government.
“It seemed impossible to make this type of placement in such a short period of time amid this situation. But the reality is that investors deeply believe in this country and its institutions. They are ready to invest in Georgia for another 5 years”, Sharikadze notes.
Managing Director of Galt & Taggart notes that this placement is very important for further emissions, as a very low coupon rate has been fixed.
“This low coupon rat can be used as a benchmark for other similar placements in the future. These can be local placements as well as Eurobonds. I think that the Georgian capital market still has the potential for growth, "Sharikadze said.