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Meri Gubeladze: actually Lockdown is announced, we cannot overcome it

Natia Taktakishvili
10.11.20 14:00
Meri Gubeladze, the founder of the restaurant "Black Lion", criticizes the curfew came into effect on November 9 in Tbilisi and other large cities between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. According to Gubeladze, they have to close the restaurant at 8 p.m. and are not able to receive income, because guests mostly visit the restaurant in the evening.

"In June, we had an opportunity to work normally, there was a reduction, but we kept the staff. To explain what has happened after the regulation, which means to close restaurants at 10 p.m., I can say that the guest number is halved.

Now, when an additional regulation came into force, which bans movement between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. We are closed at 8 p.m., as we have to clean the restaurant and staff must go home. I call it “slow release of blood”. I prefer to declare a 'lockdown' and we will all know how to behave," said Meri Gubeladze.

According to her, actually lockdown is announced and they cannot overcome it.

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