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Moldova Plans to Purchase Batch of Sputnik V Vaccine

28.10.21 16:00
The Health Ministry of Moldova is under negotiation to procure a batch of Russian Sputnik V vaccines. Health Minister Ala Nemerenco said. 
The serum is to satisfy the requests from the population. "We are not interested in the political aspect and we hope to reach the signing of this contract as soon as possible," said Nemerenco, MoldPres reports. 
She did not specify the number of doses of serum to be purchased but noted that it will help increase the percentage of people immunized in some districts.

"In the last week, we have had a slight increase in the immunization process throughout the country. 5,500 people were vaccinated yesterday, about 4,440 received the first dose of the vaccine. A higher vaccination rate is in the capital, about 37%. And there are regions where the immunization process is slower because there is a preference for a certain vaccine that we will buy ", added Nemerenco.
She noted that the subject of administering the third dose of vaccine is on the table of discussions at the ministry. "We are waiting for the conclusion of the experts to establish who are the first categories for this process", the official concluded.

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