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National Food Agency suspends production process for ready-to-eat products of Nikora Trade

24.08.23 20:33

The National Food Agency received 2 reports from the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health and the Tbilisi Municipal Center for Epidemiological Surveillance and Infectious Disease Control about food poisoning of 8 people who were confirmed to have salmonellosis, the body said later Thursday.

Epidemiological studies have revealed that in both cases, patients received Chicken Kiev purchased at supermarket chains of Nikora Trade JSC.

The agency said Nikora Trade has been fined.

It also added the suspended facility will not be allowed to resume work until the inconsistencies are eliminated.

The National Food Agency said it will also inspect the importing company of raw materials.

Nikora Trade JSC is part of the Nikora Holding (Nikora Group). It is the market leader in terms of the number of retail facilities and geographical coverage. The company has 506 stores and 9 kiosks as of H1 of the current year. In the first half of 2023, the company opened 70 new stores both in Tbilisi and in the regions.

The total profit of the company in the first half of 2023 increased by 38.2% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year and amounted to 133.3 million Georgian lari.

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