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Pashinyan declines to disclose details regarding restoration of Armenia-Azerbaijan railroad

18.05.23 21:00
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan refused today to divulge the details of his May 14 talks in Brussels with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev relating to resumption of transport links between the two countries, saying only that ‘a certain positive perception emerged in Brussels regarding the restoration of the Armenia-Azerbaijan railroad.’

"But taking into account the previous experience, I will refuse to disclose any specifics on this part," he said at a government meeting on Thursday.

The prime minister reiterated that Armenia is ready to resume transport links with Azerbaijan as soon as possible, but on condition that they are under the jurisdiction of the countries, through whose territory they pass.

In a statement made after the May 14 talks in Brussels European Council President Charles Michel said,' On connectivity, the sides made clear progress in their discussions aimed at unblocking transport and economic links in the region. Positions on this topic have now come very close to each other in particular on the reopening of the railway connections to and via Nakhichevan. Their respective teams have been tasked to finalize an in principle agreement on the modalities for the opening of the railway connections and the necessary construction works together with a concrete timetable. They also agreed to draw upon the support of the World Customs Organization in supporting this work.'

In 2021, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia had set up a trilateral working group to deal with the resumption of the transport links. It is co-chaired by the deputy prime ministers of the three countries.

Yerevan's position is that Armenia is ready to open communications, if they are under its jurisdiction.

The latest, 11th meeting of the working group was held in December, 2022 in Moscow, ARKA reports.

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