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People Should Be Interested In How Much I Pay In The Budget Instead Of How Much I Earn - Chkhonia

21.07.23 13:00
The founder of Coca-cola Bottlers Georgia, Temur Chkhonia declares, that people should be interested in how much he pays in the budget instead of how much he earns. The businessman stated in an interview with BMG, in response to the assessment of MP Aluda Ghudushauri, that Temur Chkhonia brings cold Coca-Cola to the meetings.

The businessman claims that his company's contributions to the budget are the best answer to such statements. According to him, the answer is that business creates the country's economy.

"The development potential of McDonald's Georgia and Coca-cola Bottlers Georgia is undefined. Although some say that I bring a cold Coke somewhere... I don't pay attention to that, it's a bit of a low estimate, but the reality is different...

People should be interested in how much I pay in the budget instead of how much I earn ... The contribution of both companies to the state budget this year will be at least GEL 130 million.

This is the best answer to the fact that we do not carry cold Coca-Cola, we create the economy of Georgia by employing young people, raising their potential, strengthening them, developing them, etc.", said the businessman.

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