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Pressure On Business Is Destructive For The Country - Chirina

Natia Taktakishvili
04.04.23 15:00
Businessman Revaz Vashakidze, founder of company Chirina declares, that the pressure on business from the state is destructive for the country.

According to his assessment, in case of pressure, the business will not oppose the state and will comply with the price regulation issue. 

"If any head of the state, or security comes to a business and tells, you have to lower the price of eggs by 15 tetri, they will decrease the price immediately. I would also make it cheaper, I don't want a conflict with the government.

I'm not saying that the government can't make it cheaper, but with different resources. If I make chicken cheaper in 1-2-3 years, the company may go bankrupt and no longer exist, although I will avoid conflict and make it cheaper... Who should I confront - the Ministry of Internal Affairs or security? Or to some head of the government... The government should mainly pay attention to the tax policy, exporting-importing policy, etc.", says Revaz Vashakidze.

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