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Record Volume Of Gas Was Transported Last Year

Natia Taktakishvili
02.02.23 18:00
Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation published natural gas transit data. Gas transit in Georgia is carried out by two gas pipelines - South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) and North Stream Gas Pipeline (NSGP). The South Caucasian main gas pipeline, which is also known as the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum gas pipeline, transits the gas extracted from the Shah Deniz field from Azerbaijan to Turkey.

Russian gas is transited to Armenia through the North-South main gas pipeline.

Last year, a total of almost 22.4 billion cubic meters of natural gas was transited through both gas pipelines, while in 2019 this figure was 19 billion cubic meters. Annual growth exceeds 17%. It should be noted that compared to 2021, natural gas transit has increased in both gas pipelines.

More than 19.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas was transited through the South Caucasus main gas pipeline in Georgia, while the volume of Russian gas was almost 2.6 billion cubic meters.

As for domestic production, it reduced to 14 million cubic meters last year. In 2021, the total production was 16 million cubic meters. It should be noted that local gas extraction in Georgia is very small (less than 0.5% of the total annual consumption).

According to the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan, in 2022, Azerbaijan exported a total of more than 22 billion cubic meters of gas, which is an annual increase of 18%. According to their own statistics, gas export to Europe increased to 11.4 billion cubic meters. The information published by the Ministry also mentions that a total of 46.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas was produced in the country in 2022. Annually, the country's gas production increased by 6.5% to almost 3 billion cubic meters.

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