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Tbilisi City Hall To Toughen Sanctions For Construction Violations In Cultural Heritage Protection Zones

კახა კალაძე ავარიული კორპუსი

We developed a draft law aimed at increasing fines for construction without permission or in violation of permit conditions in cultural heritage protection zones and sent it to the Parliament for approval, Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze announced at the meeting of the capital’s government.

According to the proposed law, fines for violations in class I and II areas will increase approximately threefold, while fivefold in class IV and V.

Kaladze emphasized the importance of preserving the city’s appearance and historical monuments while supporting responsible business practices.

“The existing sanctions, in some cases, did not prove to be a deterrent lever for some construction companies, and unfortunately, we still face similar types of violations. Based on the above, we think the sanctions for construction violations in cultural heritage protection zones should be tightened,” Kakha Kaladze said.

He expressed gratitude to Parliament for its cooperation in this matter.

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