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Transport Sector Remains the Largest Consumer of Energy in Georgia

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Madona Gasanova
03.02.21 22:30
The sectorial analysis of the energy consumption shows that the largest consumer of the energy in Georgia was transport sector, with 30.9 percent share of total consumption in 2019, 28.3 percent came on households, 19.3 percent - on industry, 5.3 percent - on construction, 0.6 percent – on agriculture, forestry and fishing, while remaining 15.6 percent was distributed on commercial and public service and other consumers. 
In 2019 the electricity production in Georgia decreased by 2.3 percent in comparison to the previous year, and amounted 11 856.8 million kilowatt-hours, annual report of National Statistics Office of Georgia on Energy Consumption reads. The decline in electricity production has been caused mainly by the dry weather conditions and less water flow.
In 2019, 35.1 thousand tonnes of crude oil (16.2 percent more than in 2018), 15.3 thousand tonnes of coal (9 times less than the previous year), and 9.6 million m3 natural gas have been produced (3.9 percent less than in previous year).
According to the survey results, 1 295.0 thousand m3 firewood was produced in 2019 (10.1 percent less in comparison to the previous year). It is worth mentioning that 0.3 thousand tonnes of biodiesel were produced in 2019.
In 2019, 12 059.3 million kWh electricity was consumed (which exceeds by 1.0 percent the correspondent indicator of 2018).

Pursuant to 2019 data, demand on natural gas amounted 2 695.4 million m3 (13.9 percent more than in previous year), demand mainly had increased in thermal power plants, households and other specific sectors. In 2019 final consumption of natural gas was 1 942.0 million m3 (9.2 percent more than in previous year). In comparison to the 2018, consumption of natural gas had increased in household sector (15.5 percent more).
Respectively with demand, consumption of the natural gas had increased in the following sectors: chemical industry, construction, commercial and public services, and agriculture. It should be mentioned that consumption of the natural gas by road transport had decreased to some extent in the reason of price growth, and increasing competitiveness of the LPG. It should be taken into account that increased amount of imported hybrid and electric cars causes decrease in natural gas consumption by cars.
In 2019, 1 355.9 thousand tonnes of oil products were consumed in the country (9.3 percent more than in previous year).
The electricity production has the largest share (76.3 percent), followed by energy produced from biofuel and waste (18.4 percent), which was mainly represented by wood, while other energy forms have low share.
Within the total energy consumption structure 36.4 percent share came on natural gas. Oil products (30.0 percent) and electricity (22.6 percent) were also characterized with a relatively high share. During 2019 5.3 percent share of consumed energy coame on the biofuel and waste, while the remaining 5.7 percent share has coal and geothermal energy.

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