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UK's monthly retail sales rebound in October

18.11.22 18:30
Retail sales volumes in the UK rose 0.6% in October following a 1.5% decline in September, according to data released on Friday by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

All of the main sectors saw growth in sales in October, except for food stores, where sales volumes fell by 1.0%. Food sales volumes have followed a downward trend since summer 2021.

"In recent months, supermarkets have highlighted that they are seeing a decline in volumes sold because of increased cost of living and food prices," the ONS said.

Non-food stores sales volumes increased by 1.1%, automotive fuel sales hiked 3.3%, while non-store retailing grew 1.8%.

"The sub-sector of other non-food stores reported a monthly rise in sales volumes of 3.6% because of strong growth in second-hand goods stores (particularly auctioning houses)," it said.

On an annual basis, Britain's retail sales volumes dropped 6.1% in October.

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