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U.S. Tries To Integrate Georgia With West - Nominee For U.S. Ambassador To Georgia

Natia Taktakishvili
31.03.23 10:00
Robin Dunnigan, Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Georgia, on Thursday, addressed U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and answered the Senators’ questions.

Dunnigan stressed the significance of the U.S. support to Georgia on its path to building democratic institutions and strengthening independent media, and judiciary.

“These are all the sort of steps to strengthen society and make it more resilient to the Russian malign activities or the malign activities by the PRC; so, the work we do with Georgia in terms of security cooperation and economic cooperation, trying to integrate Georgia with the West through the middle corridor, through energy infrastructure and transport infrastructure – these are all of the steps that really do help to cement Georgia’s future with the West and if confirmed, I would continue to make this priority, because, I think it is essential. We are frank with the Georgian government about concerning steps we have seen and I continue to be frank with the Georgian government if confirmed,” she underscored.

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