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We give the gov’t a tool for a new lockdown with a low rate of face mask-wearing – Exper

Natia Taktakishvili
25.03.21 12:00
Execution of the rule for wearing a face mask in the street is very low, - healthcare specialist Zurab Chiaberashvili told Business Course noting that it is the easiest thing. He named the example of Sweden people, where citizens partly contained the virus with face mask-wearing.

Chiaberashvili says that the government must conduct an information campaign, that the virus has not gone anywhere and the face mask is still needed. However, if the rate of face mask-wearing is reduced, the population will face another lockdown.

“According to the research, conducted by Curatio, the rate of face mask-wearing is down from 70% to 43%. The number of coronavirus cases will increase by sure. All citizens must know that if we do not wear a face mask, we give the government a tool for a new lockdown from late April or early May", Chiaberashvili said.

The government already started to talk about tightening restrictions. According to the Minister of Health, Ekaterine Tikaradze, the issue is being discussed, as several regions of Georgia are actively moving towards the red zone. In particular, Imereti, Guria and Tbilisi.

"At this stage, the positivity rate is 2.2%, the infection rate is already more than 1%, which requires more caution. We will not rule out tightening of restrictions", Ekaterine Tikaradze said.

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