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Where Does Georgia Keep Its Foreign Exchange Reserves?

Natia Taktakishvili
02.05.23 14:00
The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) reports, that the volume of foreign exchange reserves of Georgia amounts to USD 5 billion, which is 17% of the projected GDP in 2023 (USD 29 billion).

The National Bank published the financial report for 2022. The document gives detailed information on the assets of Georgia's foreign exchange reserves.

According to the report, the largest part of the reserves is placed in the treasury bonds of the United States of America, and the corresponding interest benefits are also accrued. Georgia's reserves are kept in the national bonds of Canada and Japan, as well as in bonds issued by EBRD, ADB and other international financial organizations.

Where Does Georgia Keep Its Foreign Exchange Reserves:

● US Department of the Treasury, Washington - GEL 5.48 billion;
● Government of Canada, Ottawa - GEL 343 million;
● European Investment Bank, Luxembourg - GEL 264 million;
● Bank of Japan, Tokyo - GEL 172 million;
● Asian Development Bank, Manila - GEL 112 million;
● Kommuninvest I Sverige AB, Orebro - GEL 106 million;
● European Stability Mechanism - GEL 105 million;
● Bank for International Settlements, Basie - GEL 94 million;
● CPPIBCapital Inc, Toronto - GEL 86 million;
● Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, Frankfurt - GEL 84 million;
● Erste Abwicklungsanstalt, Düsseldorf - GEL 78 million;
● Svensk Exportkredit AB, Stockholm - GEL 75 million;
● Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Otemachi - GEL 75 million;
● Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C. - GEL 70 million;
● Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. - GEL 69 million;
● African Development Bank, Abidjan - GEL 67 million;
● Korean Development Bank - GEL 62 million;
● Province of Alberta Canada - GEL 48 million;
● North Rhine-Westphalia - GEL 44 million;
● Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten, Den Haag - GEL 42 million;
● OMERS Finance Trust - GEL 38 million;
● Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG, Vienna - GEL 36 million;
● Province of Ontario Canada, Toronto - GEL 36 million;
● Province ofQuebec Canada,Quebec - GEL 32 million;
● Landeskreditbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Foerderbank - GEL 29 million;
● CDP Financial In, Montreal - GEL 29 million;
● International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, Washington - GEL 26 million;
● New Development Bank, Shanghai - GEL 6 million.

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