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CEO Profile - interview with Giorgi Shagidze, CEO of MAIB

31.01.22 01:08
Exports have different shapes, David and you would probably agree with me that Georgia has long been exporting bright minds abroad. This on the one hand is quite sad for this country - but on the other hand, this is great for this country which is known abroad as the land of bright and successful. Giorgi Isakadze interviewed Giorgi Shagidze as one of the Georgian representatives of the successful people that have proved to be successful locally as well as globally. To remind our viewers and followers, Shagidze served as Deputy CEO, CFO, COO and executive board member of TBC Bank Group PLC for years. Today he is CEO at MAIB. The maib story began 30 years ago and in three decades it became the largest, most professional and digitized financial team in the Republic of Moldova, with about one million customers and over 2,200 employees. More on Shagidze’s signature of running MAIB in Giorgi Isakadze’s interview.

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