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#TheCheckpoints: The Professional - Demnagram_Story of Saba Bakhia

15.05.22 11:54
“UNREAL. It was an absolute dream come true! When I decided to create a DEMNAGRAM account I never would have imagined that one day I would be there and have a chance to meet so many incredible people.Demna and his BALENCIAGA ERA forever changed my perception of the fashion industry!!! There aren’t any words to describe how grateful I am for @Demna & the whole @Balenciaga team. truly a day i will never forget. The collection and show was absolutely incredible! What Demna's brought to Balenciaga is IMPRESSIVE! I was extremely thrilled for the warm welcome and amazing hospitality! You gave me a lot of reasons to be thankful to you. I can never thank you enough. But this is a start!” - This was the Instagram post of Saba Bakhia that was indeed a start.

#TheCheckpoints - 15.05.2022

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