The Parliament discussed with the I reading the Bill on Tobacco Control, prohibiting smoking in taxis and naval vessels, as well as in personal vehicles upon the transportation of a minor. A new term “extension of a brand” is introduced.
According to Vladimir Kakhadze, the rule on pictograms on new types of tobacco shall be extended to January 1, 2025.
The Draft Code of Administrative Offenses also discussed introduces a new sanction for the sale of tobacco in the educational institutions or adjacent within 50 meters; smoking by a driver in a car upon the transportation of a minor; promotion of tobacco product or manufacturer or retailer in pressed or electronic media; extension of a brand and placement of the marks, pictures, special illumination, digital material or texts on internal or external parts of tobacco trade facilities, as well as the design of the items that may attract the attention of a user or is associated with the tobacco product.
The Parliament adopted the Bill with 79 votes against 2.