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TI, ISFED: The invalidated ballots outnumber voter signatures

02.11.20 11:00
Transparency International Georgia is trying to examine all possible criticisms concerning the vote tally protocols - TI Georgia wrote in its statement yesterday.

"At this point, a review of the vote tally protocols supplied by our observers from the electoral precincts has shown that there is the so-called excessive imbalance in approximately 7% of the total number of protocols, i.e. the sum of the votes cast for electoral entities and the invalidated ballots are larger than the number of voter signatures, which should not be the case if all procedures were conducted correctly. The imbalance is significant in one-third of these cases" - reads the statement which was released on November 1.

TI Georgia is not the only organization that identifies the same token. The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) which monitored the elections in some 1,000 precincts has also focused on the same pattern. According to the organization, "no imbalance of similar scale has occurred in the vote tally protocols in recent years as the number of counted ballots exceeded the number of voter signatures in the lists in 8% of the precincts, which is a violation".

ISFED’s parallel vote tabulation (PVT) has demonstrated that the possible maximum impact on the results would be less than 4.1%. The organization has also said that this pattern jeopardizes the trust in the electoral process and therefore requires immediate response by the electoral administration.

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