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We Have Vacancies – Wissol

Natia Taktakishvili
03.01.23 14:17
Company Wissol is looking for employees. Vasil Khorava, general director of the company told BMG.

"The shortage of personnel is also the main challenge for us. Wissol is looking for employees and we have vacancies," he said.

According to him, in order to solve the mentioned problem, the company has started introducing an innovative method and adding self-service stations. Those people who worked as filling operators at gas stations will be assigned to different positions in the company.

"We constantly try to start each new year with updated conditions, and revised salaries. That's why we are adding self-service facilities to some extent, which on the one hand is a low price for the customer, and on the other hand, saving employees who can be redistributed elsewhere", says Vasil Khorava.

As Khorava points out, the introduction of the new model is not only good from the point of view of saving employees' resources, but it is also a sharing of western practices, where the customer is fully self-serviced.

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